Therapeutic Services
I offer therapeutic services for children, adolescents, and adults. I specialize in treating those with somatoform disorders. A somatoform disorder is much more than emotional or mental dysfunction. Somatoform disorders include real, physical pain which can affect daily tasks.
I offer therapeutic services for children, adolescents, and adults. I specialize in treating those with somatoform disorders. A somatoform disorder is much more than emotional or mental dysfunction. Somatoform disorders include real, physical pain which can affect daily tasks.
We can help with:
Acceptance of Medical Diagnoses Addiction ADHD Anorexia Nervosa Autism Binge Eating Disorder Bulimia Nervosa Crisis Planning and Intervention Depression Developmental Disorders Family Dysfunction Gambling Addiction Grief Counseling IEP Consultation Parent-Child Interactions Personality Disorders Pornography Addiction Pre-Mission Assessment (for L.D.S. Missionaries) Post-Mission Depression (for L.D.S. missionaries) Postpartum Depression Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Sexual Deviance Sexual Trauma Social Skill Building Substance Abuse |
Therapeutic Techniques Used:
We also offer consultations for other therapist groups, physicians, law enforcement, and parents: